YOU ARE THE BOSS - THEME OF WEEK 26-2018«It’s not about getting rid of your senses, it’s about riding them» (@mostadjon) The world is an illusion created by the physical senses...
BEING SPIRITUAL - THEME OF WEEK 25- 2019«Your intuition is not ruled by algorithms - it’s served by your soul» (@mostadjon) Most people I talk to take the physical world for...
WHY I’M NOT GOOD AT RELATIONS - THEME OF WEEK 43-2018Nordic version of the text in PDF click the link to download Relasjoner og hvorfor disse er vanskelige_Blogg uke 43-2018 ---------- You...
EXTEND YOUR LIFE - THEME OF WEEK 42-2018Nordic version of the text in PDF click the link to download Utvid ditt liv_Blogg uke 42-2018 ---------- The idea that I could expand my...